Please note that there are a number of accounts on social media platforms that use the name “Amaravati” or “Chithurst”, including on Facebook and WhatsApp.
The official monastery sites for Amaravati Buddhist Monastery and Chithurst Buddhist Monastery are listed below.
Amaravati Buddhist Monastery
(as well as sites hosted on amaravati.org sub-domains, such as media.amaravati.org, bookings.amaravati.org, etc.)
Chithurst Buddhist Monastery
Amaravati Podcast (Latest Dhamma Talks and other podcasts we have published there.)
ABM: https://www.youtube.com/c/amaravatibuddhistmonastery
CBM: https://www.youtube.com/@cittaviveka
Both monasteries are part of the Forest Sangha community and are referenced on the Forest Sangha website at forestsangha.org.
Other websites or accounts on social media platforms using the names “Amaravati”, “Chithurst” or “Cittaviveka” are not necessarily managed by our monasteries, and may be providing inaccurate or misleading information.
If in doubt, please contact:
The Secretary
English Sangha Trust
Amaravati Buddhist Monastery
St Margarets,
Great Gaddesden Hemel Hempstead,
Hertfordshire HP1 3BZ
T: +44 1442 927018