Aroga Kuti Construction

Amaravati WebmasterRebuilding Amaravati

From Monday January 11, there will be a building site at Amaravati for the nursing kuti, now named Aroga Kuti, or ‘freedom from sickness’.

A ground-breaking ceremony took place on January 3, marking the end of a three or four-year planning phase, not just for the kuti but for the whole of the Amaravati re-development project which has been underway since 2011. It was a simple but heartfelt ceremony, with Sangha and a few residents and visitors standing under umbrellas in the pouring rain chanting blessings. Caroline and Martin broke the ground, following which Ajahn Amaro mixed some white earth from his pilgrimage to Mount Kailash in to the soil to bless the site.

The building works are expected to take until October 2016. The kuti will then be fitted out well in time for Luang Por Sumedho’s planned visit to Amaravati in Spring of 2017.

Information on the building and what is still needed to get the project completed can be found on the pages explaining the Kuti Concept and Design and the Aroga Kuti Sponsorship