Upcoming ordinations (summer 2024)

Adicco BhikkhuNews

Over the course of the next few weeks, eight candidates will either begin their monastic training as anagārikas, or take it to the next stage by becoming bhikkhus.

On Thursday 18 July at 2pm, five samaneras will request upasampadā, or full ordination as bhikkhus:

  • Sam. Sampajano, Hartridge Monastery (Devon)
  • Sam. Attaññū, Aruna Ratanagiri Monastery (Harnham)
  • Sam. Surato, Cittaviveka Monastery (Chithurst)
  • Sam. Ṭhapano, Amaravati Monastery
  • Sam. Kāruñño, Amaravati Monastery

This ceremony will be especially auspicious, as not only the number of candidates is particularly high, but we think that it could be the first time that we have candidates from all the four UK monasteries taking higher ordination at the same time (Samanera Surato took anagarika precepts at Amaravati but later decided to continue his training at Cittaviveka.)

By the time they request upasampadā, candidates have had at least one year of training as anagārikas, and another one as samaneras. They usually spend at least three months in a monastery other than the one where they started, so that the larger sangha has a chance to gauge their suitability as candidates for bhikkhu ordination. All of these five novices went through this process, and we are glad that they have been considered suitable by the sangha to take upasampadā. We wish them well in their bhikkhu life.

Then, at evening puja on Saturday 20 July (7.30pm), after chanting and sitting meditation (usually shortened when such precept ceremonies take place), an anagārika precept ceremony for Dougal (UK) and Jonathan (Sweden) will take place. Both were part of this year’s winter retreat support team, and have been staying at Amaravati as long-term guests since then. The sangha has deemed them suitable to begin their monastic training as anagārikas, and we wish them well as they enter the sangha and continue their spiritual journey onwards. 

That evening will also be Asalha Puja, so the precepts ceremony will be followed by our usual outdoor circumambulation, about which we will give more details soon.

Finally, at evening puja on Friday 2 August (7.30pm), after chanting and sitting meditation, Chloé (France/UK) will be formally asking to join the female sangha by requesting the eight anagārikā precepts. Chloé has been living on site on and off for a year or so, and was also part of the winter retreat support team this year. She was deemed suitable by the nuns’ community to begin her monastic journey at Amaravati, and we wish her all the best in her new life with the nuns’ community.

All ordinations are public ceremonies that take place in the Temple, and all are warmly invited to attend.

May all beings be at ease,
The resident community at Amaravati