Two weeks ago, we published a post about our upcoming large gathering – our combined celebrations for Vesak and Luang Por Sumedho’s 90th birthday – which outlined the general schedule from Saturday 17 to Sunday 19 May.
If you haven’t seen it, we suggest that you read it first. This post here will focus more on practical details pertaining to the main event, on Sunday 19 May.
The main parking area will be the main field, as on Kathina days. Volunteers will be guiding you upon arrival, and we ask that you please follow their instructions so as to make the arrival process as smooth as possible for everyone, and reduce congestion on St. Margaret’s Lane.
Food offerings
It is often the case that people transfer the food they wish to offer from their dishes to the monastery’s. This is fine on regular days, but given the scale of this event, we ask that you please consider using your own dishes, so as to reduce the load on the washing-up team.
Temple space
As we expect a high number of visiting monastics, spaces for lay attendees in the Temple will be limited. A marquee has been set up in the cloister with a live video projection of the ceremony, which will also offer shelter in case of inclement weather.
Visiting senior monastics
We expect over 140 monastics for the main event, those above 40 vassa being:
(The locations given are that of the Ajahn’s base monastery, not necessarily their nationality)
- Luang Por Liem (Abbot of Wat Pah Pong, 63 vassa, Thailand)
- Luang Por Khun Napoh (58 vassa, Thailand, TBD)
- Luang Por Damrong Buriram (58 vassa, Thailand)
- Luang Por Anek (57 vassa, Thailand)
- Luang Por Sophon (56 vassa, Thailand)
- Luang Por Damrong Ubon (55 vassa, Thailand, TBD)
- Luang Por Sopha (52 vassa, Thailand)
- Luang Por Khemadhammo (52 vassa, Forest Hermitage, UK)
- Luang Por Subin (51 vassa, Thailand)
- Bhante Seelawimala (51 vassa, London Buddhist Vihara, UK)
- Luang Por Pasanno (50 vassa, Abhayagiri, USA)
- Luang Por Kampong (50 vassa, Thailand)
- Luang Por Viradhammo (50 vassa, Tisarana, Canada)
- Luang Por Jundee (49 vassa, Thailand)
- Luang Por Sucitto (48 vassa, Chithurst, UK)
- Luang Por Munindo (48 vassa, Harnham, UK)
- Luang Por Piak (48 vassa, Thailand)
- Ajahn Nyanadhammo (44 vassa, Thailand)
- Ajahn Jayasaro (44 vassa, Thailand)
- Ajahn Vajiro (44 vassa, Sumedharama, Portugal)
- Ajahn Maha-Laow (44 vassa, Wat Buddhapadipa, UK)
- Ajahn Sawang (42 vassa, Thailand)
- Ajahn Chandapalo (42 vassa, Santacittarama, Italy)
- Phra Somporn (41 vassa, Thailand)
- Ajahn Karuniko (40 vassa, Chithurst, UK)
Some visiting monastics are already here, but most will arrive from the 16th onwards.
Dhamma Talks
In addition to the Dhamma talks that are scheduled on Friday 17 and Saturday 18, there will also be Dhamma talks given at evening puja on Wednesday 15 (moon day) and Thursday 16. Also, please note that Luang Por Sumedho’s usual 3pm Dhamma talk has been cancelled on Wednesday 15.
A significant gathering
Although it is difficult to estimate how many lay visitors will attend, this event will likely be the largest one held at Amaravati in terms of monastic attendees.
As such, we kindly ask you to be considerate of not only other participants at the event – by being as patient and courteous as possible in the midst of activity – but also of our neighbours on St. Margaret’s Lane – by driving slowly and responsibly to and from Amaravati.
We hope to see you at Amaravati for this very auspicious gathering, and wish you well in the meantime.
– Amaravati’s resident community and event organisers